4.4 The registration procedure

4.4 The registration procedure

An important element in registration is control over the requirements for registration, both regarding formalities and the material contents of the right. It is assumed that a large amount of the total documents will be subject to electronic control in both respects. If the registration is accepted by the system, the document is then automatically registered in both the journal and on the ship’s page in the register, and the system will generate a confirmation of the registration. Should the document not pass the control, an automatic informal refusal of registration will be generated and returned to the sender.

In this respect the explanation in Prop. 129 L (2022–2023) p. 19 becomes important:

“Today, the Registrar spends time returning and correcting documents that are unclear or are not correctly filled in in other ways. In the electronic system, the party requiring registration will use a standardized web form that it is assumed will eliminate this problem. Furthermore, the structured form makes the documents suitable for automatic control, both as regards notification in the daily journal and for the final checking. Automatic control will reduce the length of time between notification in the daily journal and final checking to seconds or less, and the party requiring registration will immediately obtain priority for his legal right. Thereafter this party will immediately receive confirmation of registration.”