1.2 The three registers today

1.2 The three registers today

Today we have three registers for ships:

  1. the traditional register for Norwegian owned ships (including pleasure craft) – the NOR-register,(1) In 2022 the total number of ships (including pleasure craft) registered was 20,361, of which 899 were merchant ships, 4,847 fishing vessels, 10,166 pleasure craft, and 4,449 other NOR vessels. Registered encumbrances amounted in 2022 to NOK 2,288,000 millions. The figures are taken from the 2022-year report from the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

  2. the shipbuilding register, also regulated by the Maritime Code, and

  3. the international ship register – NIS – which is regulated by an Act of 12th June 1987 No. 48.(2) In 2022 the NIS-fleet consisted of 735 ships with a total gross tonnage of 17,594,035. Registered encumbrances were in 2022 NOK 3,692,000 millions. The figures are taken from the 2022-year report from the Norwegian Maritime Authority.