Table of reference

Table of reference

Case Law

[1861] 1 B. & S. 773. (QB) Ogden v. Graham

[1881] 6 P.D. 68, The Alhambra

[1872] L.R. 4 P.C 171 Duncan v Koster, The Teutonia

[1908] AC. 406 (H.L.) Knutsford v. Tillmanns

[1913] LT 564 Johnston Brothers v. Saxon Queen Steamship Co

[1914] 19 Com. Cas. 384, Hall v. Paul

[1916] 1 K.B 138 Palace Shipping company Ltd. V Gans Steamship Line

[1917] CA. 2 K.B. 193 Inverkip Steamship Co Ltd v Bunge & Co

[1954] CA. 2 Lloyd’s Rep 148, Reardon Smith Line Ltd. V. Australian Wheat Board, The Houston city

[1971] 2 Llyod’s Rep 200 The Evaggelos Th

[1972] 1 Q.B 103, Shipping developments Corp. V V/O Sojuzneftexport, The delian Spirit

[1974] CA. 479 HL, E.L. Oldendorff & Co GMBH v Tradax Export SA, The Johanna Oldendorff

[1915] 2 K.B 774, Ciampa v. British India S.N.

[1935] Llyod’s Rep. 141 Lensen Shipping v. Anglo-Soviet Shipping

[1954] CA, 2 Lloyd’s Rep 148, Reardon Smith Line Ltd. V. Australian Wheat Board, The Houston city

[1956] A.C. 266, Reardon Smith Line Ltd. V. Australian Wheat Board, The Houston City

[1958] 2 Llyod’s Rep. 127, Leeds Shipping Co. Ltd. V. Société française Bunge- The Eastern City

[1968] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 563 (QB) Tage Berlund v Montoro Shipping Corp Ltd, The Dagmar [1967] 2 Lloyds Rep. 338 QBD Inca Compania Naviera SA v Mofinol Inc, The President Brand

[1974]A.C 479. Oldendorff (EL) & Co GmbH v Tradax Export SA -The Johanna Olendorff

[1979] CA1 Lloyd’s Rep 212, Unitramp v Garnac Grain Co Inc -The Hermine

[1981] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 272, Transoceanic Petroleum Carriers v. Cook Industries Inc. The Mary Lou

[1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 307, Kodros Shipping Corporation v Empresa Cubana de Fletes- The Evia (N 2)

[1984] 1 Llyod’s Rep. 244 The Lucille

[1987] 2 Llyod’s Rep. 509 The Kanchenjunga

[1989] CA 1 Llyod’s Rep. 354 The Kanchenjunga

[1988] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 500, Palm Shipping Inc v Kuwait Petroleum Corp-The Sea Queen

[1990] 1 Llyod’s Rep. 345 The Batis

[1990] H.L. 1 Llyod’s Rep. 391,The Kanchenjunga

[1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 545, K/S Penta Shipping A/S V. Ethiopian Shipping Lines Corporation- The Saga Cob

[1995] CA E.M.L.R. 472 (Civ Div) Philips Electronique Grand Public SA v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd

[1955] 1 Llyod’s Rep 349, The Stork

[1993] 1 Llyod’s Rep. 508, Pearl Carriers v. Japan Line, The chemical Venture

[1993] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 397, Abu Dhabi National Tanker Co v. Product Star Shipping Ltd., The Product Star (N° 2)

[1994] 2 Llyod’s Rep. 541, The Houda

[2006] 1 Llyod’s Rep. Plus 99, The Greek Fighter

[2007] CA 2 Llyod’s Rep 597, The Archidimis

[2009] CA (Civ Div), 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 639, Mediterranean Salvage & Towage Ltd v Seamar Trading & Commerce Inc-The Reborn

[2009] 1 W.L.R. 1988 PC, Attorney General of Belize v Belize Telecom Ltd, Belize

[2011] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 301, The Vine

[2012] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 151, Pacific Basin IHX Limited v Bulkhandling Handymax AS, The Triton Lark

[2012] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 416, Taokas Navigation SA v Komrowski Bulk Shipping KG (GMBH & Co), The Paiwan Wisdom

[2014] London Arbitration 14/23, 1 Lyod’s Rep. 59, Gard Marine & Energy Ltd v China National Chartering Co Ltd-The Ocean Victory

[2017] SC 1 Lloyd's Rep. 521, Gard Marine & Energy Ltd v China National Chartering Co Ltd, The Ocean Victory


Baughen, S. (2023) Shipping Law. (8h.ed.). Routledge

Cooke J. et al. (2014) Voyage charters. 7th ed. Informa Law from Routledge

Coghlin T. et al. (2014) Time Charters. 7th ed., Informa Law from Routledge

Falkanger T., Brautaset, and Bull. Scandinavian Maritime Law [2017] The Norwegian Perspective. 4th ed. Universitetsforlaget,

Girvin et al. [2017] Carver on Charterparties,1st ed., Sweet & Maxwell

Merkin R. and Saintier S., [2021] Poole’s Textbook on Contract Law, 15th Ed., Oxford


Biltoo M., Hu I. (2023) Ukraine, one year on: the impact on the marine market and a focus on sanctions, Maritime Risks International, Llyods Intelligence, Liz Booth Ed. 2000-2023(

Chong Gek Sian D. (1992) Revisiting the safe port Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 79

Gch Baker C. and David p., [1986] The politically unsafe port [LMCLQ 112

Gay R., 2010] Safe port undertakings: named ports, agreed areas and avoiding obvious dangers, [LMCLQ 119.

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Todd P., [2012] Laytime, demurrage and implied safety obligations Journal of Business Law 668-682

Thomas R., [2006], The Safe Port Promise of Charterers from the Perspective of the English Common Law, Singapore Academy of Law Journal 597

Trond S. (2013) The English doctrine of indemnity for compliance with time charterers´orders – does it exist under Norwegian law? MarIus. ISSN 0332-7868. p. 11–28.

Online media

Bimco, [2023] 220 224-Ukraine-situation


Llyod’s list [2023], Richard Meade, Shipping faces intimidation, harassment and credible threat of attack in Black Sea. 146 051/Shipping-faces-intimidation-harassment-and-credible-threat-of-attack-in-Black-Sea

Llyod’s list, [2023] Russia warns that ships heading to Ukraine are now a military target, 145 965/Russia-warns-that-ships-heading-to-Ukraine-are-now-a-military-target

Reuters, [2023] Balmforth T., Ukraine expects 12 more cargo ships at its Black Sea ports,

Mondaq, [2021] Tserakhau, K., and Struzkho, A. (anti)sanctions clause: How to minimize sanction risks – contracts and commercial law-Belarus,in 033 796/antisanctions-clause-how-to-minimize- sanction-risks

NRK Norge 570 015

RFERL [2023], 574 447.html

Tradewindnews, [2023] Corbett A., NATO warns Black Sea security threat to shipping remains high, Tradewins. 321 308

Other sources

European Council- Infographic – Ukrainian grain exports explained by Council of the European Union (2023), available from

Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 of 17 March 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine.

Council Regulation (EU) 2022/1904 of 6 October 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine.

EU’s 11th package of sanctions against Russia- Official Journal of the European Union, L 159I, 23 June 2023