1.1 Research questions

1.1 Research questions

Based on the observations outlined earlier, the master thesis will address the subsequent research questions to conduct a thorough and comprehensive analysis:

  1. How does the UNCLOS legal framework address the status and legal regime of maritime zones, and what implications does this have for navigational rights and freedoms?

  2. What is the significance and potential ramifications of UNCLOS Article 234 in the context of international maritime law and the regulation of navigational rights and freedoms?

  3. Do the jurisdictional entitlements of Russia and the domestic legal framework of the NSR adhere to UNCLOS and Article 234, and does it impact navigational rights and freedoms?

  4. To what extent does Russia's claim of historic waters over the NSR align with the criteria established in the South China Sea Arbitration, and what are the impacts of this assessment on Russia's legal standing on the NSR?