3.2 The clauses

3.2 The clauses

The demise charter was on the Barecon 89 form, which is a commonly used form of bareboat charter world-wide. Under clause 9 of the form, the demise charterers have the obligation to maintain the vessel in good repair and efficient operating condition and to take immediate steps to have any necessary repairs carried out. The insurances are governed by either clause 12 or clause 13, one of which must be selected. Clause 12, which was selected in this case, provides (so far as relevant):(1) Para 95.

12. lnsurance and Repairs

(a) During the Charter period the Vessel shall be kept insured by the Charterers at their expense against marine, war and Protection and indemnity risks in such form as the Owners shall in writing approve, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such marine, war and P & I insurances shall be arranged by the Charterers to protect the interests of both the Owners and the Charterers and mortgagees (if any), and the Charterers shall be at liberty to protect under such insurances the interests of any managers they may appoint. All insurance policies shall be in the joint names of the Owners and the Charterers as their interests may appear.

If the Charterers fail to arrange and keep any of the insurances provided for under the provisions of sub-clause (a) above in the manner described therein, the Owners shall notify the Charterers whereupon the Charterers shall rectify the position within seven running days, failing which Owners shall have the right to withdraw the Vessel from the service of the Charterers without prejudice to any claim the Owners may otherwise have against the Charterers.

The Charterers shall, subject to the approval of the Owners and the Underwriters, effect all insured repairs and shall undertake settlement of all costs in connection with such repairs as well as insured charges, expenses and liabilities (reimbursement to be secured by the Charterers from the Underwriters) to the extent of coverage under the insurances herein provided for.

The Charterers also to remain responsible for and to effect repairs and settlement of costs and expenses incurred thereby in respect of all other repairs not covered by the insurances and/or not exceeding any possible franchise(s) or deductibles provided for in the insurances.

(b) If the conditions of the above insurances permit additional insurance to be placed by the parties, such cover shall be limited to the amount for each party set out in Box 28 Page 39 and Box 29, respectively. The Owners or the Charterers as the case may be shall immediately furnish the other party with particulars of any additional insurance effected, including copies of any cover notes or policies and the written consent of the insurers of any such required insurance in any case where the consent of such insurers is necessary.

(c) Should the Vessel become an actual, constructive, compromised or agreed total loss under the insurances required under sub-clause (a) of clause 12, all insurance payments for such loss shall be paid to the Mortgagee, if any, in the manner described in the Deed(s) of Covenant, who shall distribute the moneys between themselves, the Owners and the Charterers according to their respective interests. The Charterers undertake to notify the Owners and the Mortgagee, if any, of any occurrences in consequence of which the Vessel is likely to become a Total Loss as defined in this clause.

(d) If the Vessel becomes an actual, constructive, compromised or agreed total loss under the insurances arranged by the Charterers in accordance with subclause (a) of this Clause, this Charter shall terminate as of the date of such loss. (e) … (f) For the purpose of insurance coverage against marine and war risks under the provisions of sub-clause (a) of this clause, the value of the vessel is the sum indicated in Box 27.

Clause 13 applies in place of clause 12 if the parties so choose in part I of the contract. The clause 13(a) puts the responsibility for maintaining marine and war risks clause on the owner:(2) The judgment para 132.

During the Charter period the Vessel shall be kept insured by the Owners at their expense against marine and war risks under the form of policy or policies attached hereto. The Owners and/or insurers shall not have any right of recovery or subrogation against the Charterers on account of loss of or any damage to the Vessel or her machinery or appurtenances covered by such insurance, or on account of payments made to discharge claims against or liabilities of the Vessel or the Owners covered by such insurance. All insurance policies shall be in the joint names of the Owners and the Charterers as their interests may appear.

Further, the Barecon 89 form was amended by deleting the trading limits clause (clause 5) and adding at clause 29 a safe port warranty in the following terms:

29. Trading Exclusions
Vessel to be employed in lawful trades for the carriage of lawful merchandises only between good and safe berths, ports or are as where vessel can safely lie always afloat …(3) Para 96.