MarIus No. 565
Nordisk institutt for sjørett
Universitetet i Oslo
© Sjørettsfondet, 2022
ISSN: 0332-7868
University of Oslo
Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
P.O. Box 6706 St. Olavs plass 5
N-0130 Oslo
Phone: 22 85 96 00
Editor: Professor dr. juris Trond Solvang –
Digital Publishing: Aksell AS
Editor's preface
This year’s issue of SIMPLY contains articles which all cover core areas of
the Institute’ research and teaching activities, comprising:
Thor Falkanger’s article giving an account of the recently enactedNorwegian rules on bare boat charter registry,
Trine-Lise Wilhelmsen’s article on marine insurance discussingwhether detainment of ships by states constitutes a marine or awar peril (the article is published with permission from Routledgeas it forms part of the book under publication: The ModernLaw of Marine Insurance Vol 5)
Then follows four articles which in one way or the other deals with theconstruction and/or application of maritime law conventions:
Erling Selvig’s extensive article discussing key questions of globallimitation rules and their national law implementation,
My own article dealing with ever occurring questions relating toliability exception for nautical fault under the Hague-Visby Rules– and forming an extension of my article in last year’s issue ofSIMPLY,
Kristina Maria Siig’s article dealing with maritime law conventionsand how they may fare within the context of technologicaldevelopments, viz. the current herald of autonomous ships,
Ayoub Tailoussane’s article giving an in depth account of the rulesfor collision avoidance (COLREGS), using as a steppingstone arecent English Supreme Court decision the Alexandra I – thusdealing with a topic which so far has received little scholarly attentionin the Nordic maritime law discourse
Trond Solvang