3.5 Drilling platforms and moveable constructions

3.5 Drilling platforms and moveable constructions

A bare boat charter for a moveable drilling platform or construction may also be registered. Before indicating the rules, it is necessary to quote MC Section 507 first sentence on the general rules on registration:

“Drilling platforms and similar mobile constructions which are not regarded as ships and are intended for use in exploration for, or exploitation, storage or transportation of, subsea natural resources or in support of such activities, are considered Norwegian if they are owned by any person mentioned in Section 4 paragraph one and have not been entered into the register of another country.”

The possibility of registering bare boat charter parties for drilling platforms and other constructions must be read in conformity with this description. For example, a bare boat charter for an installation used in connection with aqua culture activities cannot be registered. Otherwise, the requirements for registration are the same as for passenger and cargo vessels, although with the modification that the nationality requirements in Section 4 are not as strict as those in Section 1.(1) The main rule is that the charterer must be a Norwegian national, or a partnership or a company that for at least 60 percent is owned by Norwegian nationals, or other company registered in Norway.