4.1. Duty to report when navigating in Greenlandic waters (GREENPOS)

4.1. Duty to report when navigating in Greenlandic waters (GREENPOS)

A central element in increasing maritime safety for ships navigating in Greenlandic waters is a requirement to report the position of the ship. The aim of the duty of reporting is to ensure that the authorities have an overview at all times of who is navigating where and are able to be aware of any deviations from planned sailing routes which can indicate an emergency situation.

The duty to report was implemented in 2003 and is regulated by an IMO Circular and the corresponding Danish Executive Order 170/2003.(1) IMO circular on the GREENPOS/COASTAL CONTROL, IMO SN/Circ. 221 of 29 May 2002, and Executive Order 170/2003 on ship reporting systems in waters next to Greenland (Bekendtgørelse nr. 170/2003 om skibsrapporteringssystemer i farvandene ved Grønland).In general, there are two mandatory reporting systems for ships established for Greenlandic waters; however, the GREENPOS system is the one that is of interest to cruise ships.(2) The two reporting systems are GREENPOS and COASTAL CONTROL, see Executive Order no. 170, 2003, section 1, 2. The GREENPOS system is obligatory for all ships navigating in or out of Greenlandic waters, including the Greenlandic EEZ and continental shelf. Ships are obligated to report their position every six hours, the planned route, speed and weather conditions. When a ship navigates into the GREENPOS area, it must send a route plan, which contains the following information: The ship’s name and call sign, date and time, position, true course, speed, destination and ETA, intended voyage, defects and deficiencies, weather and ice conditions, and the total number of persons on board and other relevant information.(3) The specific obligations are defined under Executive Order no. 170, 2003, Grønlands positions rapporteringssystem (GREENPOS) Bestemmelser for udfærdigelse af meldinger, see also IMO Resolution MSC.126(75) (adopted on 20 May 2002) Mandatory ship reporting System.

The GREENPOS reporting system is aimed at ensuring that JRCC Greenland, based in Nuuk, has a clear picture of the movement of ships in Greenlandic waters at all times. The system thus ensures that JRCC Greenland is made aware of ships deviating from the intended voyage or for example which do not report into the system during the six-hour period.

The duty to report is a public law obligation, which can be enforced by criminal law: if the duty is neglected, it will result in criminal sanctions under the Greenlandic criminal law system.(4) Executive Order no. 170/2003, section 5.