MarIus nr. 535
Nordisk institutt for sjørett
Universitetet i Oslo
© Sjørettsfondet, 2020
ISSN: 0332-7868
University of Oslo
Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
P.O. Box 6706 St. Olavs plass 5
N-0130 Oslo
Phone: 22 85 96 00
Internet: www.jus .uio .no/nifs
Editor: Professor dr. juris Trond Solvang –
e-mail: trond.solvang@jus
Digital publishin: Aksell AS
Editor’s preface
As in earlier years, also this issue of SIMPLY contains a diverse list of contributions, reflecting the breadth of the Institute’s activities.
There is a core maritime contract law article, by Thor Falkanger, discussing a Supreme Court case involving multimodal carriage of goods. Then follows an article on maritime labour law, by Hanna Vik Furuseth, dealing with jurisdictional questions concerning national rights to implement wage and working conditions on foreign-flagged ships. This is followed by an article on maritime environmental and labour law, by Alla Pozdnakova, giving an account of the international regulatory scheme of ship recycling. There is then an article, bordering to the law of the seas, by Birgit Feldtmann, Kim Østergaard and Hanna Barbara Rasmussen, pointing out serious challenges of practical nature in carrying out cruise shipping in desolate Arctic waters. Then follows a slightly revised master thesis, covering important aspect of marine insurance law, that is, H&M insurance and the concepts of faulty material and error in design under the Nordic Plan, by Julie Karin Værnø. Finally, there is an article by the undersigned, analyzing concepts of substantive versus choice of law rules, involving the Hague-Visby rules and the Nordic Maritime Codes.
We wish you all happy reading!
Trond Solvang