1 The topic

1 The topic

The Norwegian Maritime Code (MC)(1) The Code of 24th June 1994 no. 39 (MC) is quoted from the English translation in MarIus no. 435 (2014). In relation to the matters discussed in this article, MC conforms to similar provisions as in the Danish, Finnish and Swedish Codes, all of 1994. Other translations are by the present author. Chapter 13, on the carriage of general cargo, primarily regulates the relationship between the carrier and the cargo. There are also, however, important rules on the obligations -and rights - of a sub-carrier when the cargo is damaged or delayed during the time that he is in some way involved in its carriage. In this article, these sub-carrier rules are described briefly, so that the background is reasonably clear when we come to the main theme: Who is a sub-carrier in the eyes of the law and what are the legal consequences of being a sub-carrier?