10 Bibliography

10 Bibliography

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  19. Ford R, Stephenson J and Whitaker J, Prosumer collectives: a review (University of Otago 2016)

  20. Gerhardt W, Prosumers: a new growth opportunity (Cisco 2008) <https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en_us/about/ac79/docs/wp/Prosumer_VS2_POV_0404_FINAL.pdf> accessed 30 November 2017

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  26. Johnston A and Block G, EU energy law (Oxford University Press 2012)

  27. Karnouskos S, 'Demand side management via prosumer interactions in a smart city energy marketplace’ (2nd IEEE PES international conference and exhibition on innovative smart grid technologies, Manchester, 2011)

  28. Kåstel P and Gilroy-Scott B, ‘Economics of pooling small local electricity prosumers - LCOE and self- consumption’ (2015) 51 RSER 718

  29. Lavrijssen S and Carrillo Parra A, ‘Radical Prosumer Innovations in the Electricity Sector and the Impact on Prosumer Regulation’ (2017) 9 Sustainability 1207

  30. Long C, Wu J, Zhang C et al., ‘Feasibility of peer-to-peer energy trading in low voltage electrical distribution networks’ (2017) 105 Energy Procedia 227

  31. Lovins A, ‘Negawatt revolution’ (1990) 27 Across the board 18

  32. McLuhan M and Nevitt B, Take Today (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1972)

  33. Parag Y, ‘Beyond energy efficiency: a prosumer market as an integrated platform for consumer engagement with the energy system’ (ECEEE summer study proceedings, Toulon, 2015) 15

  34. —— and Sovacool B, ‘Electricity market design for the prosumer era’ (2016) 1 Nat. energy 1

  35. Pietkiewicz J, ‘Prosumer energy and prosumer power cooperatives: opportunities and challenges in the EU countries’ (European Economic and Social Committee 2016)

  36. Reisch L and Micklitz H, ‘Consumers and deregulation of the electricity market in Germany’ (2006) 29 JCP 399

  37. Rifkin J, The zero-marginal cost society (Palgrave McMillan 2014)

  38. Ritzer G and Jurgenson N, ‘Production, Consumption, Prosumption’ (2010) 10 J. Consumer Cult 13

  39. ——, Dean P and Jurgenson N, ‘The coming of age of the prosumer’ (2012) 56 Am Behav Sci 379

  40. Roberts J, Prosumer rights: options for a legal framework post-2020 (ClientEarth 2016)

  41. Sajn N, ‘Electricity prosumers’ (2016) European Parliament Briefing PE 593.518

  42. Talbot B, ‘Off-grid Demand Response’ (Knoydart Foundation 2016) <https://www.localenergy.scot/media/98365/Knoydart-Final-Report.pdf> accessed 30 November 2017

  43. Timmerman W and Huitema G, ‘Design of energy-management services - supporting the role of the prosumer in the energy market’ (CAiSE-DC’09 doctoral consortium, Amsterdam, 2009)

  44. Toffler A, Future Shock (Pan Books 1970)

  45. Toffler A, Third Wave (William Morrow 1980)

  46. Verhaegen R and Dierckxsens C, ‘Existing business models for renewable energy aggregators’ (BestRES studies 2016)

  47. Zhou D, Balandat M and Tomlin C, ‘A Bayesian perspective on residential demand response using smart meter data’ (54th Annual Allerton conference on communication, control, and computing, Monticello, 2016)